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Create one or more parts
Create one or more parts

Upload components, assemblies and drawings to Aletiq

Pierre-Marie POCH avatar
Written by Pierre-Marie POCH
Updated over a week ago

Before starting:

  • The Aletiq PDM allows you to manage and contextualize your SolidWorks and Catia CAD files.

  • The Aletiq Plug-ins for SolidWorks and Catia will allow you to create and manage your parts simply from your design software.

  • Aletiq automatically recognizes a CAD nomenclature: you can then reconstitute them in Aletiq

  • Users with a manager or administrator role have the ability to use the PDM

Insert a part in Aletiq

Add a component, an assembly or a drawing in Aletiq.

In the Part or Standard parts area (accessible from the top menu):

  1. Click on New part

  2. Select the type of part to create: drawing, assembly or component

  3. Select the CAD file to be created in Aletiq in the folder

  4. Complete the following fields:

    a. Name: name the part

    b. Description: describe the part (optional)

    c. Revision name: indicate the revision

    d. Revision description: Describe the revision (optional)

  5. Select the status of the CAD revision: a draft revision can be modified later, a validated revision is unalterable

  6. Click on Confirm to create the part

Some best practices:

  • Remove subscript and extension (ex: .sldprt) when naming the part

  • Creating parts in the eponymous page of a product allows them to be automatically associated with it

Insert multiple parts or an assembly in Aletiq

Add multiple parts or a folder with drag and drop.

In the Parts or Standard Parts menu (accessible from the top menu):

  1. Select a locally stored part or folder

  2. Drag and drop a set of CAD files or a folder

  3. Fill in the fields of the dialog window :

    1. Name: name the part

    2. Description: describe the part (optional)

    3. Revision name: indicate the revision

    4. Revision Description: Describe the revision (optional)

    5. Select the status of the CAD revision: a draft revision can be modified later, a validated revision is unalterable

  4. Click on Confirm to create the part

Good to know :

  • In the Load Files window, the Action to perform property is used to:

    • Create: the part revision is created in Draft state and is editable

    • Create & Validate: the revision of the part is Validated and can no longer be modified

    • Update: an eponymous file is recognized and a new revision will be created

    • Update & Validate: an eponymous file is recognized, a new revision will be created and validated

    • Ignore: the revision is not loaded in Aletiq

  • Aletiq allows you to create product references based on uploaded CADs

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