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Create and modify a product definition
Create and modify a product definition

Set up and manage the products definition

Pierre-Marie POCH avatar
Written by Pierre-Marie POCH
Updated over a week ago

Introduction to definition management in Aletiq

Aletiq makes it possible to follow the evolutions of the product definition via the definition index. The digital passports of manufactured products are derived from a specific product definition index to allow end-to-end traceability.

A product definition folder contains the following:

  • the original part, or CAD file which allows starting from the CAD BOM

  • the product nomenclature, with the list of component items

  • definition documents (e.g. plan, technical specification, etc.)

Thus, the evolution of one of these elements may involve updating the definition of a product

Setting up the product definition

Associate a CAD to the definition

If the article is created from the part, it will be automatically added to the definition of the article.

  1. In Definition, click on Link a part

  2. Select the Part to be associated with the definition, as well as the Revision then click on Confirm

  3. The part is associated with the definition

Complete the BOM from the part

  1. On the Item file, click on Definition

  2. Click on Complete BOM or Add Components

  3. Manually select the components to add to the BOM, create an item number or click Autocomplete

    In order for Aletiq to be able to automatically complete the product BOM from the part BOM, there must be products associated with the BOM parts.

Create a product BOM from a .csv file

The import makes it possible to associate existing articles in Aletiq with the product nomenclature. If some BOM items do not exist in Aletiq they will be created automatically.

The .csv file used for import may have the following columns:

  • Item ID or name (required)

  • Comment

  • Quantity

  • Plus all the product properties to fill in if you create non-existent items in Aletiq

To load the BOM proceed as follows:

  1. On the Item file, click on Definition

  2. Click on Add components then on Import a BOM

  3. Click Select or Drop File. Select a file then click Next.

  4. Map the Aletiq properties with the columns of the .csv file then click on Next

  5. If the articles exist in Aletiq, a message indicating that the import can be started appears. Click Confirm

Associate definition documents with the definition

  1. In Definition, click on Definition documents

  2. Click on Add documents

  3. Select the definition documents and click on Confirm

  4. The documents have been attached to the definition file. You can then select the revision applicable to the definition

Approve a definition

As a prerequisite for definition approval, all the constituent elements of the index must be validated:

  • the part

  • definition documents

  • component definition indices

  1. Check that the set of constituent elements of the definition are validated

  2. Click on the hint with Draft status, then on "..." and Approve

  3. The product definition is approved

  4. Traceability at the level of digital passports of manufactured products is effective

Changing a definition

If one of the constituent elements of the product definition changes, it is necessary to create a new definition index:

  • the part or CAD file

  • the BOM - adding or deleting a component, modifying the definition of a component

  • definition documents - added definition document, new plan index, etc.

  1. Click on New definition

  2. Index the new definition then Confirm

  3. Select the index of the part to associate with the new definition

  4. Add a document, or modify the revision of a definition document

  5. Add a component, or select a new component definition

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