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Consulting a manufacturing range
Consulting a manufacturing range
Pierre-Marie POCH avatar
Written by Pierre-Marie POCH
Updated over a week ago

Manufacturing ranges represent the manufacturing processes of a product. They consist of a sequence of operations that require documents and tools to be used during the product manufacturing. The range index allows naming the versions of a manufacturing range.

  • A routing is divided into manufacturing operations.

  • Manufacturing ranges are indexed and bear revisions of the documents and tools mentioned for each operation.

  • It is possible to have several manufacturing ranges evolving in parallel (main range, staging range, subcontracting range...).

How to consult manufacturing ranges?

From an Article

Manufacturing ranges are accessible from the page of an article, in the Manufacturing tab. On this page, all the ranges of the article are accessible, each in a tab. The tab of a routing gathers several pieces of information:

  • The latest range index and its status

  • The version history, accessible in a dropdown list. By clicking on the old indices, it is possible to consult their content.

  • The list of operations in the range. For each operation, a count of the associated documents and tools is available.

By clicking on an operation, you can access the details of its content, namely:

  • The description of the operation, providing details on the associated manipulations

  • The documents linked to the operation. They can be viewed or downloaded directly from this page.

  • The tools associated with this operation.

Each element associated with the range is locked (validated) to a fixed definition revision/index, as mentioned in this overview.

From a Passport

When a passport is created, it must be linked to a definition index, and a range index is associated with it.

Via Quick Search

Through the passports tab of an article

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