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Create a manufacturing range
Create a manufacturing range

How to create, import, or modify a manufacturing range: its structure, its content...

Pierre-Marie POCH avatar
Written by Pierre-Marie POCH
Updated over a week ago
  • 📚 A Manufacturing Range, or manufacturing process, is a sequence of operations (e.g., launching, molding, cutting, inspection, etc.) enabling the production of a product.

  • 📷 Modifications made to a manufacturing range are tracked in an activity list, and the current range is identified by a Range Index, which is then associated with passports.

  • ♻️ Aletiq allows the management of several manufacturing ranges simultaneously for a single product (e.g., main range, overflow range, subcontracting range...).

  • ⚒️ It is possible to associate documents with specific indices and tools to operations, enabling the digitization of document access for operators in the workshop.

  • 💻 Ranges are accessible under the Manufacturing tab of an item.

Creating a Manufacturing Range

Creating the Initial Range

To create the initial range for an item:

  • Navigate to the Manufacturing tab & Click on + Create a Range.

  • Provide the range name and its initial index.

  • Click Confirm.

Creating Additional Ranges

To add a second range:

Adding Operations to a Manufacturing Range

There are several options for adding operations to a range.


  • Click on + Add Operations, then + Create Operations.

  • In the opened window, complete the following for each operation:

    • Its number: Operations will be ordered in ascending order.

    • Its name.

  • Add and complete as many operations as necessary.

  • Click Confirm.

  • Once your operations are created, add elements to each operation.

Adding Operations from Another Range

Copying ranges is useful when you want to create a range similar to an existing one, retrieving operations as well as associated elements.

To copy an existing range, follow these steps:

  • Click on + Add Operations, then Copy Operations.

  • In the opened window, select the product, the name, and the index of the range to be copied.

  • Check to choose the operations from the reference range that should be copied to the new range.

  • If necessary, rename the operations that will be copied.

  • Click Confirm.

Adding Operations from a CSV

Importing ranges via CSV is suitable when you want to create multiple similar ranges or to directly fill in the operation descriptions upon their creation. The import CSV must contain three columns:

  • Operation numbers: They will be ordered in ascending order.

  • Operation names.

  • Operation descriptions.

To import this CSV into a range, follow these steps:

  • Click on + Add Operations, then Import Operations.

  • In the opened window, select the CSV file, then click Next.

  • For each column, specify which column corresponds to it in the CSV file.

  • Click Confirm.

  • Once your operations are created, add elements to each operation.

Evolving an Existing Range

From the dropdown list displaying the history of range indices, you can create a new index by clicking on + New Range Index and specifying the new index. This will be created as a Draft status and will include all operations from the previous index.

Adding Elements to an Operation

  • To modify an operation and add elements to it, you must be in a Draft range index.

  • You can only link documents and tools related to the item to an operation.

To add elements to an operation:

  1. Open the operation to modify.

  2. Click on + Add Documents or + Add Tools.

  3. In the opened window, choose from the list the elements to add to the operation.

  • Similarly, by default, elements are added to their latest current revision. You can change this selection by clicking on the revision index of the document:

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