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Manage the traceability of passports
Manage the traceability of passports

Simply apply a definition or a manufacturing range to passports

Pierre-Marie POCH avatar
Written by Pierre-Marie POCH
Updated over a week ago

Key Operating Principles

  • Aletiq enables simple management of product configuration, including the management of definitions and manufacturing ranges for products (items and tools).

  • For passports, a high level of traceability is ensured through tracking the indices of definition and applicable manufacturing ranges.

  • It may be necessary to adjust the definition or applicable range for the passport in case of evolution or subcontracting, for example.

  • Traceability can be carried out manually or automatically through the implementation of an interface.

  • Passports are an abstraction of a serial number or manufacturing order.

Accessing Passports

It is possible to manage passports for Items and Tools. To access passports:

  1. Click on Products.

  2. Navigate to Passports associated with Items or Tools.

The passports associated with an item or a tool are visible on the corresponding page:

Reading Passport Traceability

Aletiq allows the association of applicable definition and manufacturing indices with passports. The associated indices can be viewed on the passport pages. A link enables direct access to the associated definition or range.

Managing the Application Rank of a Definition or a Range to Passports

In the event of an evolution of a definition or a manufacturing range, one may want to make the new version applicable to the launched passports: this is the management of the application rank. To modify an application rank on one or more passports:

  1. Select the passports.

  2. Click on "Modify Definition Index" or "Modify Range Index".

  3. Select the correct index.

  4. Confirm the modification of the application rank.

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