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Bills Of Materials in Aletiq
Bills Of Materials in Aletiq

Check out what are the different types of bill of materials (BOM) used in Aletiq and how to manage them

Pierre-Marie POCH avatar
Written by Pierre-Marie POCH
Updated over a week ago

The different types of BOM (Bills Of Materials)

Aletiq manages 3 types of BOM:


  • Part BOM

  • Products BOM


It is the BOM representative of a CAD file.

It is directly retrieved from the file tree of a Catia or SolidWorks assembly. The CAD BOM is stored in Aletiq, directly linked to the part it contains, but is only editable within a design software.

The CAD BOM may contain some components used for context during design phase, and that are not really part of the assembly that need to be stored in Aletiq.

Part BOM

It is the BOM representative of a part.

It is identical to the CAD BOM but some of the components can be ignored (for example the components purely used for context during design phase)

This part BOM can be accessed from the parts it is linked to :

Note : if the part is linked to a product, the part BOM can also be accessed from the Part BOM tab of a product definition

How to complete a part BOM

When an assembly is uploaded to Aletiq for the first time, it is possible that some of the links to its part are missing or not recognized. It is possible that even after uploading the missing part independently, the link is not repaired automatically. In that case the part BOM has to be manually completed :

  1. Upload the assembly through either the CAD plugin (For more details check how to use a CAD plugin) or manually

  2. Search for the assembly uploaded in the Parts view and unroll it. The assemblies for which the part BOM is incomplete are identified with an orange dot next to the revision field

  3. Click on Complete the BOM directly from the part view or open the details window of the part and click on "..." then on Complete the BOM

  4. In the form click on Search and select the required part. The BOM has now been completed

  5. From there you can also remove the parts that do not need to be in the part BOM using the bin icon-button

How to ignore a component

Some components of the CAD BOM can be ignored in the part BOM :

Product BOM

It is the BOM representative of a product.

It may contain additional components than what is present in the Part BOM, mostly components that are not modeled such as electronics, glue, paint etc.

It can be created within Aletiq or retrieved from an interface with an ERP.

This BOM can be accessed from the product definition :

How to create a product BOM

There are multiple ways to create the product BOM of a product :

  1. From other existing products

  2. If the product is linked to a part, the product BOM can be created from the part BOM

  3. From a .csv import

Creating a product BOM from products

  1. Open the page of the product for which a product BOM has to be created

  2. Click on Definition and then on Product BOM tab

  3. Click on Add components and then on From Aletiq articles

  4. Select the products and click on Submit

Creating a product BOM from the part BOM

  1. Open the page of the product for which a product BOM has to be created

  2. Click on Definition and then on Product BOM tab

  3. Click on Add components and then on From part BOM

  4. In the form click on Create if the product is not yet existing or search for an existing product

  5. In the case of product creation, fill in the New article form and click on Submit

Creating a product BOM from a .csv import

  1. Open the page of the product for which a product BOM has to be created

  2. Click on Definition and then on Product BOM tab

  3. Click on Add components and then on Import a .csv file

  4. Click on the + button to browse for the .csv file or directly drag and drop the .csv file

  5. Fill the form with to indicate wich columns of the .csv file contain which information

  6. Allow to create articles when they are missing if necessary

  7. Click on Submit

The .csv file must at least contain one column for the Product ID (or Name) and one column for the quantity required in the BOM

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